Listen everyone: How to start an activity that is both fun and serious
Speed dating with no dating but lots of speed: All fun and serious teambuilding activities starts with the same thing. The leader says: Please stand up and enter the floor. The leader should not tell them what to expect. Don't tell them about the method. Don't tell them to be anxious or safe. You are their leader and they should have confidence in you. So tell them the headline, the cause, why they are leaving their chairs to stand up together. Please get up and enter the floor For your information you must have an objective inviting everyone out on the floor. This objective could be learning how to handle a new system, coping with stress, your company culture or the team and the way they work as a team. And you want them to talk about it in pairs. Why this? I mean why talk about a vital topic in pairs? Well, first people tend to open up easier when they only have one to talk to. But there is another reason too. People always remember what they said themself. So if you come ...