How to design a pep talk plus bonus: The one-minute pep talk generator for leaders

How to design a pep talk plus bonus: The one-minute pep talk generator for leaders: 

Follow this recipe and deliver a pep talk

Prepare your total pep talk - from start to finish. Follow the link and choose with sincerity from the 3 lists of Proclamations, Adjectives, and Team Descriptions. Once you have delivered your prelude, you can elaborate on it: 'When I choose the word (adjective)… it is because… and with the team description… I want to emphasize the importance of us being…' 

With this 'generator' you have 15,625 different options for preludes. You can then choose to include one or more of the following 7 ingredients. The order of the ingredients is arbitrary. Remember to explain why you have called your team in: 

Say something about the original reason
What did originally set it in motion?
What was the vision?
What was the target? 

Say something about the importance of the group
Without YOU we will never succeed.
Which competencies, experiences and skills does the group have? 

Say something about the importance of the cause
What and how is this case included in a larger context? 

Say something about the correspondence between the importance of the group and the importance of the cause
What will it mean to the group to succeed? 

Say something about you
What does it mean to you right now and in the future?
What and how much will you give yourself for the cause and for the group? 

Say it again
What do you want to highlight, repeat or emphasize from your pep talk?
What do you write on the 'board'? 

Ask them
Are you with me?
Will you follow me?
What do you choose?
Come on!
What should the group say YES to? 

Follow this link and download your pdf with the full 'The one-minute pep talk generator for leaders'.

© LEADERS WAREHOUSE 2020 inspired by Deena Ebberts ‘5-second pep talk generator’.

Michael Meinhardt 
☎ +45 71 92 55 63 ✉


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