Make your next meeting both fun and serious?

Bring this ball to your next meeting and throw it: 

This is how it works: One throws the ball. Another catches it and reacts to the panel under the thumb. That's why it's called Thumball.

Facilitation Tip 1: Explain ...

To develop as a team, the group sometimes needs to step back and reflect on their relationships, their communication and their way of working together. Tailor your Thumball activity to meet your needs:

Option 1: Have participants respond to the panel under their thumb, then throw the ball to the next person.

Option 2: After the first participant has reacted to the panel other participants can also share their reactions or discuss how they can work together more effectively.

Facilitation Tip 2: Formulate interaction rules

Explain that conversations about the group's way of working together can become emotional. The goal of the Thumball activity is to raise the important questions and have the necessary conversations in a positive environment. In order for everyone to feel safe, have the group formulate their own rules of interaction.

Here are some rules you might want to include on the list:

Only one person speaks at a time.
Speak for yourself: Start with I …
Do not attack others personally. Criticize ideas, not people.
Agree to disagree.
Listen: Make sure everyone feels heard and acknowledged.
Be positive and non-judgmental.
Be open to new ideas.

Facilitation Tip 3: If the conversation becomes awkward

Facilitators suggest these techniques to ease difficult or emotional situations:
Pause the conversation so you can review the ground rules with the group.
Redirect negative comments: ask 'what can we do differently?'
Focus on changes that can positively affect the team.
If two parties disagree, suggest that they switch roles and present a counterargument.
Make notes on a flipchart of the difficult topics that can be covered later.
Be ready to share some of your own experiences.
Take a break. Stop for a while and make new groups or ask everyone to choose a new chair.
Remember to thank participants for sharing their personal stories.

PS. Choose from 15 different Thumballs. Order here

Michael Meinhardt 
☎ +45 71 92 55 63 ✉


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