Unite your team: How to activate your company culture with something fishy

What to do after showing the FISH! film: Unite your team: 

When the FISH! film has ended, the leader must follow up. The worst thing a leader could do - is nothing. The leader must not do nothing. Just showing the film leads to nothing. Well, nothing but confusion.

Every employee can with their own eyes see that the fishmongers are having a wonderful working environment, with four great values or practices. But what should the employee do about that - alone? Things will only happen when employees are united. The leader is in a position to unite them.

The leader must consider the film (before showing it) as a beginning. A new beginning. A refreshing start. A film about a very productive service culture. A film about teamwork and trust, retention and recruitment, innovation and creativity, boosting engagement and morale. What is your aim? What will be your focus? Pick one - not all of them.

After showing the film the leader must inspire employees to internalize the messages in the film. How and why? All inspiration comes from words. Listening to words. Saying words. Exchanging words. Remembering words. Testing words.

Ask employees to count before showing the film

Ask one employee to count how many positive sentences the film includes. Ask another employee to count how many negative sentences the film includes. And ask a third employee to count how many neutral sentences the film includes. The leader must ask this before the film starts. After the film the leader can check the data from all three employees. The conclusion is an eye opener. Psychologists have stated, that it takes 5 to 6 positive sentences to equalize 1 negative sentence. How about the neutral sentences then? And how can you use this new data in your team?

Ask employees to think and talk in pairs

Ask them to move a little around, so they sit or stand in pairs. When standing, they are more prepared to move their attitudes. When sitting, they are less prepared to change. Always begin in pairs and continue in trios later on. Ask them to talk about the scene they liked the most, and why - and about the scene they disliked the most, and why.

Ask employees to say it out loud

When employees have considered and talked in pairs, they are ready to make louder statements. You, as their leader, point out those employees who are good to listen to. Ask what they talked about, and acknowledge every employee for what they are saying: Good point! Very interesting question! Great idea!

‘If they can we can’

Now your employees are ready to relate to topics in the film, to things they have thought about and talked about and link it to their own working environment. Ask: How would this look like in our team? How is this worth the money, or the time? How will this lift us up? How will this affect our clients? (Be there. Play. Make their day. Choose your attitude.)

Try out ideas from the film

The FISH! guide (the booklet that comes with the film) includes a good number of exercises. Make sure that you invite your team to try out every practice, and then follow the plan above after each exercise: Make employees think, talk in pairs, say it out loud and relate the idea to their working situation. Trying out exercises is always great fun. Exercises internalise the points faster and better than any explanation or story.

Write down new ideas

Nobody remembers good ideas and great points that came out of thinking, talking, saying it out loud and trying it out with colleagues. All ideas have an expiration date. But writing it down in a visible way (wall posters, small posters on desk, floor-stickers) makes them stick.

Ask for inhouse or external help

Strong and intelligent leaders ask for help. A shared problem is a problem halved. Asking for help might eliminate the problem. The leader must ask other leaders for help. Experts. Old people. Young people. Customers. Consultants.

Call a FISH! consultant for help!

I am a FISH! consultant, and I can help you with your internal plan and the initial leader training. I can also deliver a presentation including all of the above. But you yourself should take care of the rollout. You, as a leader, should stand up in front of all your employees.

Let me handle your team of leaders. But you and your leaders should handle the presentations and facilitation yourself. I can assist you with plans, actions, exercises, tools, gifts and whatever you may need for your internal processes.

Have a closer look at website with great stuff and training at https://leaderswarehouse.com/en/ 

Michael Meinhardt
☎ +45 71 92 55 63 ✉ info@LEADERSwarehouse.com


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