This is what it take to get more people to change?
What does it take to get people to change?:
What you're about to see is real. And yes. There is a link for a video on YouTube further down. Real kids doing real things. Just thought you should know.
So here's a question: what does it take to get people to change? I'm not talking about their socks and underwear, but change behavior? Especially when it's hard?
For example
Every year, close to 100,000 people die from hospital acquired infections. That means people got sick—at the hospital! And it turns out, one of the main culprits is hand hygiene. That means just getting people to wash their hands could save lives.
‘All Washed Up’ is a short film about the methods used when you have to present a change to a group of people of young kids that faces a big puzzle. After the puzzle they have to wash their hands before enjoying a cupcake.
Watch the film 'All Washed Up' right HERE or copy this link
The method is to use no less than 4 to 6 techniques when presenting a change. If you only use 1 nobody follows it:
- Include personal motivation: Presenting a very good reason for the change. What's in it for me and for us?
- Change the environment: Put up signs, arrows, tools that will help, play nice music. Make it easy to join.
- Include deliberate practice: Try it out again and again.
- Include social influence: Engage everyone to be peer helpers. A pressure from the group is fine.
So, next time you have to change the behavior of a group of adults, use no less than 6 techniques to make sure everybody (minus 1) changes.
Michael Meinhardt
☎ +45 71 92 55 63 ✉
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