FISH! eLEARNING is both fun and practical

Five nice learnings about eLEARNING: 

Here you can read what eLEARNING actually is and what FISH! eLEARNING in particular is. With FISH! the film, the books, the tools, the methods, the posters, the gifts you can dazzle your FISH! process, so that you extend over a longer period of time and thus be remembered.

1: eLEARNING takes too long?

Studies show that eLEARNING typically takes between 40% and 60% less time than when you have to learn the same thing in a traditional classroom. FISH! eLEARNING can be accessed from any computer or mobile when it suits the employee and at the employee's own pace. A few minutes at a time or the whole course at once (1 hour in total).

2: Isn't eLEARNING mostly for young people?

Half of all content on YouTube is seen by 35 to 64 year olds. 55% of all people over 50 receive news online. If you watch videos or read news on a PC, a tablet or a mobile phone, then you are already familiar with eLEARNING.

FISH! eLEARNING offers exciting video clips, quizzes and measurements that help all ages to work more efficiently.

3: Isn't eLEARNING mostly about smart technology?

The content clearly comes first. Just like with the original FISH! video, so is FISH! eLEARNING involving and fun.

FISH! eLEARNING just dives further down, so that it is possible to understand and choose in the four FISH! practices. That's why FISH works! eLEARNING as well regardless of whether your team is scattered or you want to extend FISH! the experience after a FISH! live workshop.

4: Don't employees remember less through eLEARNING?

The Research Institute of America can demonstrate that eLEARNING improves learning by 25 to 60% against 8 to 10% for traditional teaching.

The learning from FISH! eLEARNING is so powerful because the ideas can be used immediately in all relationships. And as soon as the employee sees the impact of the simple practices, she or he is naturally more likely to make them part of his or her behavior.

5: Isn't eLEARNING terribly expensive?

A study conducted by IBM showed that every dollar they invested in online training resulted in a $30 gain in productivity.

FISH! eLEARNING sharpens and enhances the skills that increase trust, teamwork, commitment and responsibility. These elements are the very foundation of any high-performing and dynamic company. Studies have also shown that the companies that use eLEARNING have higher employee satisfaction and attachment to the company. What would you achieve as a company if your employees worked more effectively together and with greater commitment?

Read more about FISH! eLEARNING HERE.

Michael Meinhardt 
☎ +45 71 92 55 63 ✉


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